Bountiful Autumn at the Tree Cam
Here's another elusive resident - jays like to hide away in woodland. Looks like we are doing our job in providing that space
Jay taken from a series of stills
Final visit to the bird cam through to a snowy December scene
Our resident jay at the start of the video, taking in the curious blue tit and ending with a scene straight out of Xmas with a robin in the snowy woodland
Visit one to our newest trail cam. This camera is placed higher up than the rest to give us an insight into what is happening in the trees. First visit has yielded bird activity and a visit from a rat. Although the idea of rats is off putting for many, the sighting of this mammal gives us further indication that we have a broad eco structure. No rats would be a worrying sign of poor bio diversity.
Excellent footage of a robin and female black bird.